invite you to find out more about your local government officials–what they do for you–or to you–and what you can do about them!
Please pardon our appearance while we update our site.

Coming soon:
 "The Arizona Answer Sheet"--Democratic candidates for every office in your precinct--and propositions.
 "Political Affiliation of Candidates in Non-partisan elections"--judges, school board candidates, and more.
Meanwhile, check out this fact-sheet--and give it to your friends and neighbors:

"Who Represents You?"


now available for each precinct in PIMA county


This informative flyer presents the names of all the current State and local government officials elected in partisan elections by the voters in your Precinct, with a description of the office, the party affiliation of the office's holder, and the date of the next election for the office. You can use it to introduce yourself to voters in your neighborhood. There’s space at the bottom of the page to write your name and contact information. It’s easy to print out copies (single-sided, all-black ink). Give your friends and neighbors the gift of political awareness!  Click here for a customized flyer for any and every precinct in Pima.

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